This idea has been merged into another idea.
To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-3782Un-enrollment rules.
Smart Enrollment Rules
We would like to update the automatic enrollment rules so that when a user's information is updated (they go from YR 1 to YR 2, they enrollment rules unenroll them because they no longer fit the enrollment rules critieria
This would be a fantastic addition and keep the system logic for enrollments in line with groups and other automatic functions. If I want someone enrolled in a curriculum because they are in YR1, I may also want them unenrolled when they go to YR2.
This would be a fantastic addition and keep the system logic for enrollments in line with groups and other automatic functions. If I want someone enrolled in a curriculum because they are in YR1, I may also want them unenrolled when they go to YR2.