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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Assessment Lessons
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 4, 2023

Make it possible to delete a (already answered) questions from an Assessment

Why? Question(s) in a final assessment is a learning tool to ensure learners have understood content and that content + a quiz supported them in such. This also means that at times (many times) data shows that a question is simply not working/not adding the desired value - meaning the learning admin needs to change or delete a or more question(s). Now your tool makes the later not possible which leads to quite an extensive amount of extra work for me as a learning admin.

These are the steps that I need to take to just be able to delete two questions from an otherwise good & working assessment:

  1. Delete the entire assessment from the learning path (curriculum).

  2. Create a complete new assessment and attach questions from the question database that are (status quo valuable & correct)

  3. Add the new assessment to the learning path (curriculum).

  4. Publish

Time effort on the above: roughly an hour.

Time effort of just being able to delete a question: 2min

And this might happen again in two weeks, a month and so on and each time there is a time waist of roughly 58min.*

*The status quo/correctness of questions often change for businesses and there is a need to just simply be able to delete questions. It would be really appreciate if you could include such a feature as it will safe a lot of time/money for our company.

And the only answer on a support question in that regards is: "Questions in an Assessment can only be deleted before any Users submit an Answer for that question; after that it can be edited/changed in the Assessment, but not Removed from the Assessment."

That does not clarify why its not possible.

Lastly I would question why the deletion symbol +confirmation of deletion pop up is even shown if it does not work anyhow.

Comparable LMS systems offer that simple feature.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    David Ferrucho
    Jan 30, 2025

    Thank you for sharing your idea with us. After careful review, we’ve determined that we’re unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we appreciate the value of your request, our current roadmap commitments and resource limitations prevent us from addressing it in the near future.

    Please know that your idea remains in our repository, and we will revisit it as we continue evaluating improvements to assessments, including the ability to delete them after a user has submitted an answer.

    Your feedback is instrumental in shaping our platform, and we truly appreciate your contribution.


Allow Admins to Delete Assessment Responses

When creating a new Assessment in an Online Course, I test it out by inputting a lot of test/sample responses. Then, they're stuck there forever. Admins should be able to delete (test) responses to an Assessment. (SurveyMonkey allows Admins to del...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Assessment Lessons 2 Low Probability of Delivery