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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 4, 2023

Make it possible to delete a (already answered) questions from an Assessment

Why? Question(s) in a final assessment is a learning tool to ensure learners have understood content and that content + a quiz supported them in such. This also means that at times (many times) data shows that a question is simply not working/not adding the desired value - meaning the learning admin needs to change or delete a or more question(s). Now your tool makes the later not possible which leads to quite an extensive amount of extra work for me as a learning admin.

These are the steps that I need to take to just be able to delete two questions from an otherwise good & working assessment:

  1. Delete the entire assessment from the learning path (curriculum).

  2. Create a complete new assessment and attach questions from the question database that are (status quo valuable & correct)

  3. Add the new assessment to the learning path (curriculum).

  4. Publish

Time effort on the above: roughly an hour.

Time effort of just being able to delete a question: 2min

And this might happen again in two weeks, a month and so on and each time there is a time waist of roughly 58min.*

*The status quo/correctness of questions often change for businesses and there is a need to just simply be able to delete questions. It would be really appreciate if you could include such a feature as it will safe a lot of time/money for our company.

And the only answer on a support question in that regards is: "Questions in an Assessment can only be deleted before any Users submit an Answer for that question; after that it can be edited/changed in the Assessment, but not Removed from the Assessment."

That does not clarify why its not possible.

Lastly I would question why the deletion symbol +confirmation of deletion pop up is even shown if it does not work anyhow.

Comparable LMS systems offer that simple feature.

  • Attach files