It seems only the person that sets up a report can cancel /delete the report.
Please can main admin users be able to delete a report from absorb if it's no longer required, and have the ability to amend changes to who & when the report is sent? Rather that just the person that created the report.
I agree with these suggestions about reports. Having a global report showing all reports being generated and allowing system admin to modify them would be helpful.
This is a real problem. If a report exists that includes a field for a department that one is changing or deleting, one can't change the department until the report is deleted or changed.
Tier 1 support can't even tell us who created a report but has to push the request to a dev team.
Have also discovered that deleting a user (not just de-activating them) doesn't delete the report a user creates.
The easiest solution would be to create a report that shows a global list of all reports and the users who create them. From there, the admin should be able to delete reports as needed.