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Categories Learner Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2021

Show Inactive Courses on the Transcript

It should be possible to set whether courses which are Inactive appear on the Learner transcript or not, such that organizations which want to disable courses which are no longer being used can continue to show learners that their engagement with the course is credited on the transcript.

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  • Guest
    Dec 7, 2022

    I agree with Colton's suggestion below: instead of Active and InActive as status, maybe have Active, Inactive (Hidden), and InActive (Visable).

  • Guest
    Dec 3, 2022

    Thank you for the idea! Displaying Inactive courses in the transcript is now possible (November 2022 release). Admins have the ability to configure whether to show inactive courses or not. Please see for more details.

    At this time, certificates have not been addressed.

  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2022

    Will this include Certificates? Certificates produced by inactive courses show, but are not available to view/download.

  • Guest
    Oct 22, 2022

    Good day. This is targeted to go out with our November release on Nov 27/28. There will be an admin Template setting to determine whether or not to show Inactive courses on the learner transcript.

  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2022

    Any updates on when this will be implemented. I can see its on the Roadmap?

  • Guest
    May 31, 2022

    Any updates on when this will be implemented. I can see its on the Roadmap?

  • Guest
    Feb 17, 2022

    I agree with this BUT we should also have the option to make courses show up or not show up on the transcript. So instead of Active and InActive as status, maybe have Active, Inactive (Hidden), and InActive (Visable).

  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2021

    Agree, I would like to see a new item within the Status selection. For simplistic reasons I would leave Inactive and Active as it is today and add a new item of Archive. Where when applied it would leave the course visible in transcripts, curricula listings, and automatically set enrollment rules off (if on-line course), turn off selection to Enroll or Resume (again if on-line) and remove it from the listing within My Courses. For ILC courses, it should turn off enrollment and warn of any "open"/active sessions.

  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2021

    Thank you for this idea (and the related idea which have been merged together). This improvement to our transcript (along with others) are on our radar for our next generation of LE and is likely for 2022. More specific dates will be provided once our 2022 roadmap is available.

  • Guest
    Sep 20, 2021

    Agree. Especially with compliance courses. We need to show in the transcript that they complete a version annually, but we also need to hide from the catalog the previous version. Our catalog is becoming cluttered with so many old courses and we have only been using the system for 2.5 years.