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Categories Analyze
Created by Guest
Created on May 28, 2024

Analyze: Users passing data

A key and basic metrics for trainer is to understand the number of users that based on the first, second, third completed attempt etc...

Yet with the current data, every "log in" is an attempt, so it is impossible to know when the user really passed, because a user who only took the test twice may appear as having dozens of attempts, because they took the test in small increments

Additionally there is no way to group users by their passing attempt

I would suggest to create a ready made widget that will show Analyse users the number of individuals that passed on the first "finished" (i.e. completed or failed) attempt, then on the second, third etc.., either in exact numbers or in percentages

Ex: 25% of enrollees passed on their first attempt, 50% on their second, 10% on thie third etc....

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