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Categories Online Courses
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 13, 2024

Course settings logic

Whenever we adjust the settings of a course for a new enrollment, it retroactively changes the settings of the course for any previous learners. This logic has its pros and cons. It would be great to have some variation on some of the course settings. For example- if you could enroll a group of users, set a due date, and nudge messages to begin on a certain date. Then, a few days later, you enroll a different group of users in the same course but without a due date or nudge messages (and this second enrollment does not impact the settings of the first group). Currently the only way to do that is if you duplicate the course and adjust the settings. I'm not a fan of adding course duplicates for course settings, vs. adding duplicates of courses because it's a version 1 and version 2 that you want to make available to your catalog. If there was someway to adjust settings to allow for a bit more variance, it would be great!

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