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Created by Guest
Created on Sep 5, 2024

Tool tip options

I would like the ability to have a flip card as a tool tip on click or hover. So the front of the card can be a title, on click/or hover, the card flips, providing more info.

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  • Guest
    Sep 11, 2024

    Hi there, I think it's a great idea.
    Another workaround is to use the slide timings to add and remove shapes and icons. So you can start with 3 shapes with the tooltip on, then overlay these with the same shape and add a finish time to each. Under Behavior, you can then select On click, then choose Go To Video Frame and select the times they finish (I normally do just before, so you still get the animation if you have one and can keep track more easily in the timing bar).
    It's fiddly to setup and get the timings right, and does rely on people clicking in the same order you've chosen, but once you've got one slide in one course, you can import as an existing template to other courses and edit as required.

  • Guest
    Sep 9, 2024

    As a workaround, I managed to achieve the same thing using existing functionality, but it was time consuming/cumbersome.

    I added one slide that had all the titles/images:

    Added the action that when they click on the title, it navigates to another slide:

    On that slide, I have the text that provides more info:
    Then on that slide, the next title navigates to another page.

    It's not ideal because the user has to do them in a specific order rather than being free to choose whichever one they want, but it is a way to add some interaction.

    Hope that helps!