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Status Unreviewed
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 29, 2021

Consistent for waitlist handling in Enrollment status issue

The enrollment behavior for different admin roles are different. The admin with higher admin access right can follow the waitlist setup whereas the admin with less admin access right cannot follow the waitlist setup. Even if they followed same process steps to enroll users to the same course and session.

- user with limit admin role permission E.g. “Department Trainer Admin (All Other Department)” tried to enroll some users to the course and session that has already over max class size, the enrollment status of users were wrongly showed as “Not started”. But if this admin role users kept enrolling more users to the same course and session, the further users enrolled to the course would be able to show as “on waitlist”.

*It should be amended to be consistent for all admin role and it will fall in waitlist after reach the max class size.

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  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2022

    I think I am having the same issue. Our admins assigned at each facility/department now is doing more enrolling than the self-enrollers. Because of that, we are not getting people assigned to the waitlist and have oversized courses past their capacity. It would be great if on the Course or Session Approval pages, the instructor can choose to waitlist a person rather than just accept or decline. This would allow admins to request an enrollment, but the chosen approver (such as instructor, the course editor, or admin) be able to have the final say.