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Status Unreviewed
Categories Online Courses
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 29, 2021

The course settings quick links at the top of the Course Edit page should highlight what settings have been adjusted

Regarding the Admin Refresh and the course edit settings buttons at the top of the Course Edit page: right now the functionality of these buttons are “expand section” only. They do nothing else.

For example, I turned on an availability rule. The button at the top was highlighted and the view was expanded so I could adjust the availability settings. I left the course, then went back into the Course Edit view, and the “Availability” button at the top was no longer highlighted. I thought that my settings were not saved, so then I clicked the button to highlight and expand that view, and I did confirm that my settings were saved. This was confusing to me.

I would like to see this functionality of these button changed so that if you have turned on a setting or adjusted it from default, that the top buttons are always highlighted, and those sections are automatically expanded whenever you edit the course. This does two things: 1) you know what settings are enabled and 2) you can scroll down the page and see what’s enabled so you can easily adjust.

Thanks for your consideration!

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  • Guest
    Apr 1, 2022

    Agree, if you edit an item, it is of interest to you, so should be switched on when you return. It slows things up when you have to go back in and edit and then remember which button it was you had switched on.