There was a common request to enable the ability to update multiple courses at a time, which was implemented in LMS-I-141. However, the editable data fields were limited. This idea is to expand the list to include the most meaningful fields in the capability. The list from that idea, related comments and related ideas include:
Enrollment rules
Course categories
Featured course status
More control over tag updates - rather than replace, also offer add/remove.
Control quiz attempts
My requests:
Course Thumbnail
MESSAGES please! Some times we make updates to our message templates, and it would be super helpful to update all of them at once across all ILTs.
COMPLETION - sometimes we make a change to our certificate we use, so it would be helpful to be able to update the certificate for all courses which use that certificate.
Totally agree on the enrolment rules! It would be such a nice addition!
Add the ability to bulk move courses from one category to another.
I agree especially with the enrollment rules as it takes a lot of time to go into every single course and edit it individually. As well as more control over tag updates. It would be more useful having the ability to add/remove a specific tag rather than replacing everything with what is added.
It would also be great if you could edit the course expiration date and due date fields in bulk.
It would be nice if you could edit Enrollment Rules in bulk. Some course I would want customers to be able to self-enroll in while others I would like my internal employees to be able to auto enroll in. It would be nice to change the option for a large amount of courses are once instead of one course at a time.
Adding bulk edit to the e-commerce settings would be useful as well. Such as:
The "Allow public purchase" and "Default Price" settings. This could allow you to quickly change the prices of many different courses if you are doing a sale as well ass allowing you to quickly change the price back when the sale is done.
Allow Repurchase and Repurchase Price settings.