I recently learned that once you enable course uploads and have someone upload a document, (if you, like us, are barely out of the onboarding stage and still figuring out how you need the courses to work) when you toggle course uploads to off, it just DELETES everything that was ever uploaded to that course. WHY!? There should be a button that says "Are you sure you want to this? Because when you do this, all of your things will disappear and you will be very sad", so that way people don't lose a bunch of important student uploads with no way to recover them afterwards. This is a huuuuuuuuge issue and should not happen without some kind of an alert or warning to the admin of what might happen if certain settings are changed.
What role or persona in your organization will benefit most from this improvement? | Admin, system admin |
Its the same with lots of Absorb content, there needs to be a waste/recycle bin.