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Improve Voice Over Box

Improve the voice over box functionality.

  • Allow Create Users to resize the box so that they can easily copy/paste information from the slides into the voice-over box. Currently, you can't resize and have to constantly copy, paste, save, close, and repeat.

  • Add an "info" button with a brief explanation of how the 'pauses' function. New Create users may not understand how this works, causing frustration and constant back and forth.

  • Allow sound effects to be added.

  • Allow for photo/video integration.

  • Create an "Auto-Sync" feature that matches the voice over to the buttons/clicks/images/videos added on the slides.

Useful for anyone who uses Create and the voice-over feature.

What role or persona in your organization will benefit most from this improvement? Anyone with Create Access; Instructional Designers, Trainers, Managers and Learning Partners.
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest
      Mar 11, 2025

      Adding to this; would be incredible if we could simply double click on an item and add a voice over rather than clicking into the voice over function.