Improve the voice over box functionality.
Allow Create Users to resize the box so that they can easily copy/paste information from the slides into the voice-over box. Currently, you can't resize and have to constantly copy, paste, save, close, and repeat.
Add an "info" button with a brief explanation of how the 'pauses' function. New Create users may not understand how this works, causing frustration and constant back and forth.
Allow sound effects to be added.
Allow for photo/video integration.
Create an "Auto-Sync" feature that matches the voice over to the buttons/clicks/images/videos added on the slides.
Useful for anyone who uses Create and the voice-over feature.
What role or persona in your organization will benefit most from this improvement? | Anyone with Create Access; Instructional Designers, Trainers, Managers and Learning Partners. |
Adding to this; would be incredible if we could simply double click on an item and add a voice over rather than clicking into the voice over function.