Option to add a 'Blank Answer' that can be manually marked in an Assessment
Right now you are required to provide an answer when creating a "Text" question in an Assesment. It would be nice to have the option to manually grade the employees open-ended answer to a question.
This is something that our business relies on, the ability for a learner to answer a question as free text and the instructor/admin/reviewer to be able to assess it and grade it. Currently the system marks it as correct. It’ll be good if instead of marking it as correct it could go as pending, which will then notify admin/reviewer/instructor to go in and review answers and give it a mark i.e 3 out of 3 or 2 out of 3. This is then included in the total score of all questions within that lesson.
Hi Sandra, can you please remove the 'Available in Absorb LMS' tag from this question, as it is simply not true? There is no way to manually grade a free response / free text / blank question in the backend. Once a student finishes an exam that has a free text answer, their manager / admin of the course should get a notification that they have an assessment to grade. They will read the free response answers and manually mark them as correct or incorrect. Then the final score would be sent out to that learner based on how the admin graded the free response questions and other questions that were auto-graded (multiple choice, etc.).
Hi @Sandra, I see that you have that question type but it looks like we are still not able to actually grade the question manually in the backend? So the score should not show until the admin has graded those free text answers. There are free text answers where it's not possible to write out all correct answers.
The below free question only works in absorb create when creating content. It's frustrating that the "Assessment" object only has the options to enter a specific auto-marked answer into the text response. It would be nice if a learner could enter in a short or long answer text response which the instructor can mark manually.
In the Assessment section of a course, the options are multiple choice and text. For the Text option in order to get it marked correct users must get the answer word for word. It would be nice if there was an open response option in which reviewer...
This is something that our business relies on, the ability for a learner to answer a question as free text and the instructor/admin/reviewer to be able to assess it and grade it. Currently the system marks it as correct. It’ll be good if instead of marking it as correct it could go as pending, which will then notify admin/reviewer/instructor to go in and review answers and give it a mark i.e 3 out of 3 or 2 out of 3. This is then included in the total score of all questions within that lesson.
Hi Sandra, can you please remove the 'Available in Absorb LMS' tag from this question, as it is simply not true? There is no way to manually grade a free response / free text / blank question in the backend. Once a student finishes an exam that has a free text answer, their manager / admin of the course should get a notification that they have an assessment to grade. They will read the free response answers and manually mark them as correct or incorrect. Then the final score would be sent out to that learner based on how the admin graded the free response questions and other questions that were auto-graded (multiple choice, etc.).
Hi @Sandra, I see that you have that question type but it looks like we are still not able to actually grade the question manually in the backend? So the score should not show until the admin has graded those free text answers. There are free text answers where it's not possible to write out all correct answers.
The below free question only works in absorb create when creating content. It's frustrating that the "Assessment" object only has the options to enter a specific auto-marked answer into the text response. It would be nice if a learner could enter in a short or long answer text response which the instructor can mark manually.
Thank you for your idea. We have implemented Free Text questions in December along with other new types of questions.
Please find more details in this article https://support.absorbcreate.com/hc/en-us/articles/4412360892307-Question-Types-