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Status Reviewed
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2021

Cancel ILC Sessions where the Minimum Class Size is not Met

Currently when an ILC session has low enrollments it needs to be rescheduled or deleted manually, the ability to configure a time frame by which a Class need to meet the minimum threshold or be cancelled would reduce the overhead required to manage minimum enrollments; the status could be displayed as Canceled to provide additional reporting insights

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  • Guest
    Oct 20, 2023

    We would use this feature all the time. It's a very manual process to maintain and delete sessions that don't meet our required attendance.

  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2023

    This would be a very great feature if auto cancellation was an option for low enrollment and dates entered as to by. This would be a total game changer.

  • Guest
    Apr 7, 2023

    This should be an option in the course and session settings -- option to automatically cancel session if min is not met and option to NOT automatically cancel. There are some courses where we end up continuing with a session that doesn't have the min met, so the option would be helpful based on each course or even each session.

    Additionally, sending out an automated email to the instructors/ admin/ etc if the min is not met by the enrollment close date would be helpful. Then, instead of checking each course each day, we could just see in our inbox which courses haven't met the min and move from there.

  • Guest
    Feb 1, 2023

    Agreed, this would be a tremendous help for how we would like to use this feature.