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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 16, 2021

Show Document/Certificate Uploads in "Edit Activity"

Courses that have required document/certificate uploads should have the documents accessible through the Edit Enrollment/Edit Activity page. This page shows all of the relevant course material like the completion date, due date, lesson activity and so on, it only makes sense to have the uploaded material accessible through this report available as well.

Doing so would make it significantly easier finding historic enrollment document uploads. Currently, the only way to locate a document that was uploaded to a historic enrollment is to dig through the file manager. Since there is no good organization in the file manager, and because the uploaded documents cannot be searched for by user or by course in the file manager, it would require viewing all of the documents one by one to look for it like a needle in a haystack. Yes, the documents aren't deleted from the system, but if we cannot find them, what's the point of document retention?

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  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2023

    I couldn't agree more with this! As an organization that is highly regulated, it's vital that we're able to pull document uploads for records like core competencies quickly. The file manager is not a good way for us to view historic uploads, I agree with the idea that it is like a needle in a haystack. It's a regulatory requirement that we are able to view these, so the inaccuracy of the file manager is not great for what we're trying to achieve.