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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 13, 2021

Select specific users/admins that receive message notifications

We have a need to add specific users and admins to receive message notifications outside of the options that are currently available to select from (Learner, Supervisor, Admin). This is mostly prohibiting us from using message notifications outside of sending to learners.

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  • Guest
    Apr 6, 2023

    This functionality is available on a task Learning Object. The option to "Send to Other" Other Notification is present. It would be nice to have this option system wide where the option to send an email is present.

  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2022

    The ability to select absorb users who would receive completion etc notifications would be a valuable addition.

  • Guest
    Jan 28, 2022

    I would agree with the comments thus far. For context, our emails typically go to the Learner and a central inbox we have for our OD&L team (BCC). For a couple of courses, a specific person in the organization needs a notification that the course was completed; however, this person is NOT the learner, an admin, or their supervisor. Our supervisors are imported from our HRIS, so those are not changing. We could make these couple people admins in Absorb, however, then all admins are going to get messages for other admins. Currently, our only option appears to be to forward the notification from our OD&L inbox to those specific individuals manually each time that course is completed. We'd like to be able to drop in a specific user instead (by course) so that this process can be automated. Thank you!

  • Guest
    Dec 29, 2021

    Hi Paul,

    It would be useful to be able to add whoever we would like to the messages at the course level. This is currently the option for Task notification (on A5 anyway, we haven't made the leap to AR). So to just have the option, for example, of a course enrollment message to be able to customize it to go to:

    • Learner

    • Admin

    • Supervisor

    • Other - this one being the new option that currently isn't there.



  • Guest
    Dec 29, 2021

    This sounds to me like it would have to be at the Course level in order to be granular enough to be effective. Am I understanding correctly that this idea is about adding fields on the course builder UI that would allow more targeted course specific messaging?

  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2021

    Hi Mendy! This sounds like one of the primary use cases of our Observation Checklists, where you could set up each coach from your delivery or performance consulting team as a Reviewer. Have you looked into this functionality with your CSM(s)?

  • Guest
    Sep 28, 2021

    I work in sales training. At time of hire, each new salesperson is assigned to a coach in our delivery or performance consulting team. If I could schedule emails to go a learner's assigned coach, that would be very beneficial. In addition, if task approval could be assigned to a specific coach that would be marvelous!