We would like to have the system send copies of New User Messages via a CC field we could use during the User Import process. We would like to send a copy of each New User email to the individual who requested the new users. (We do not want this individual copied on all system messages, just the New User one.)
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. After careful consideration, we’ve determined that we are unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we recognize its value, our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints prevent us from pursuing it in the near future.
Please know that your idea remains in our repository, and we will revisit it as we continue evaluating improvements to the user import feature, including the ability to customize and CC the email sent to new users.
Your feedback is instrumental in shaping our platform, and we truly appreciate your contribution.
Clarifications: Selecting multiple users to receive these messages would be even better.
An alternative that would work, but is less desirable, is to be able to select a specific dept. manager to send the messages to. Now all dept. managers get all emails and that is exactly what we don't want.