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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 1, 2022

Seperate Coming Due and Past Due Nudge Email

It would be very helpful to be able to have a separate recurring past due notification at the course level. Currently we have to word the nudge email in a way that accounts for both an upcoming course and a course that is past due. Additionally because there is only one nudge email we can only cc managers on all or none of the nudges. Although we try to be clear in the email there is still sometimes confusion among managers and learners. The system template past due email only goes out once and cannot be customized for specific courses. It would also be helpful to vary the interval at which the notification goes out depending on how close or far it is to the due date.

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  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2023

    It will be extremely helpful.

    1. Either allow configuration of multiple templates and timelines for nudge emails based on the enrollment status (Not Started/In Progress or Past due)

    2. Generate Past due notifications until the course is completed and allow configuration of frequency of the email.

  • Guest
    Sep 6, 2022

    Agree. We are notifying managers at each nudge (because there doesn't seem to be another option), which is too many notifications for a people manager.

  • Guest
    May 11, 2022

    Yes please! If they were separate, we could change the messaging to make them sound more urgent if they're past due.

  • Guest
    Feb 2, 2022

    Agree. I've had numerous users this year be quite mad with me for "hounding them about a course due". Rather than them reading it and understanding it is a reminder message.