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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2022

Use Course Email Notifications for Spaced Reinforcement

One thing I've been working on at my company is to improve performance by addressing the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve and providing spaced reinforcement of instructional material. There are even companies out there now, I believe, that provide spaced reinforcement tools to increase transfer to the job.

It seems to me that Absorb has the basic framework for just such a tool in its course email notifications system. In addition to having the option of sending an enrollment email, a completion email, and a nudge email, it would be great to have a further section entitled “Send Reinforcement Emails.”

I imagine that the interface might include the option for one to three reinforcement emails and for each email, the ability to set when the email should be sent following course completion. If this was possible, the learner might receive emails, say, 1 day after completing a course, 3 days after completing a course, and 7 days after completing a course. Each email would contain reinforcing points taken from the main course lessons.

Such a tool would support Absorb’s goal of providing a robust LXP and follow best practice surrounding transfer and spaced reinforcement.


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