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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 23, 2022

Separate the "Enrollments" Role Permission

I think that the "Enrollments" permission should be separated to have the option to allow an admin to enroll, re-enroll, and/or un-enroll users. Currently, the permission has a "View", "Enroll Anyone", and "Modify" option. The "Modify" option allows the user with that role to enroll, re-enroll, and un-enroll users, as well as make edits to current enrollments (Edit Activity). In our use case, we have supervisors that are admins, for which we created a specific role for them. We do not want them to be able to un-enroll, re-enroll, or be able to edit the activities of their employees. We only want them to enroll their employees into Online Courses and ILCs.

I've attached two mock-up ideas. Idea #1 would take the existing "Enrollments" permission section and add the options "Enroll", "Un-enroll", and "Re-enroll". Idea #2 would be more complicated, where the "Enrollments" section from idea #1 would be included in each course type instead of it being stand-alone permission. I'm not sure if either is feasible or makes the most sense, but it is a rough idea as to how I would envision separating the "Enrollments" permission.

In general, I think the role permissions should be further granulated, allowing for more customization of roles, but separating the "Enrollments" permission is a priority for our team.

Thank you,

Rebecca Smith

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 6, 2024

    We hope that this idea will still be considered for implementation by Absorb. This would provide much needed veristility for when structuring our admin roles.

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2024

    This is still an idea worth implementing. Enrolling user into a course session and giving course session completion credit should be separated. Unenrolling a user from a course also should be restricted.

  • Guest
    Feb 23, 2023

    We would also like to have restrictions on WHAT an admin role can enroll learners in. For example, we only want ILT instructors to be able to enroll learners into courses that they teach, and only view/ enroll learners into specific courses. But right now, if you give them the ability to enroll, they can enroll a learner into ANY course.

  • Guest
    Jan 19, 2023

    Yes, yes, yes! I do NOT understand why the system allows you to select individual permissions under enrollments, but won't allow those to be applied. It doesn not seem unreasonable that we would like an Admin to enroll a learner in a course but NOT want them to be able to mark it complete! I saw this is listed as unlikely to implement...but come ON Absorb!! Please, can we fix this?

  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2022

    Hope this can be revisited sooner than later. removing the option for a specific admin role to modify a due date within a current enrollment would be a great benefit for compliance courses that have a hard due date. In our case, all leaders with direct reports have an admin role and are able to enroll their direct reports into a course. This also means they are able to modify and change due dates for any other enrollments for their teams.

  • Admin
    Paul Gheran
    May 27, 2022

    Hello Admins!

    I went ahead and merged ideas 895 and 1022, as you are all correct that the ideas are similar enough that they would be considered within the same initiative.

    That said, breaking out enrollment permissions is not on our short term roadmap. Our permissions are currently quite complex as they are used for reporting access and business logic with those related to enrollment being the most complex. We'd need to modify a huge portion of the Admin application to carve up enrollment permissions, and run migrations on every client to ensure that accounts still work as expected.

    Our current plan is to leave permissions as-is, but revisit the entire permission model at a later date to split out UI access from reporting so clients have much more granular control over permissions. During that project we will revisit this request.

  • Guest
    Apr 5, 2022

    Modifying ILC and Online Completion Records, is a huge concern, our facility would like the ability to separate that permission, this system might work for some facility. Our facility Instructors and the Training Department should be the only staff/department validating a course completion. Otherwise, an admin could potentially edit completion maliciously. Also, there is not easy way to confirm if this is occurring because there is no “view edit history” on manually entered completion records.

  • Guest
    Mar 30, 2022

    Hi William,

    Thanks for commenting! I just looked at your post and voted for it - maybe Absorb can link the two tickets together?

    I see that my idea was marked "Reviewed", but I have yet to hear from Absorb what the plan is for this idea. I hope to hear back soon!

  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2022

    Rebecca, appreciate the detail in your post and potential solutions. Totally agree that we need more granular permissions surrounding enrollments. Just posted on a similar use case under post LMS-I-1022, “Separate Course Approval Controls from Modifying eLearning Records.” (The Ideas portal no longer lets us provide direct links).

    Your idea #1 would deal with my use case where we want to allow a supervisor to approve an enrollment request but not be able to complete an enrollment (lesson, course, curriculum) for the learner. I would simply need to check “Enroll” but leave unchecked “Modify.” Brilliant!

  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2022


  • Guest
    Mar 1, 2022

    Agreed! We are having trouble with this as well. We need a role permission to be able to enroll but not complete the enrollment.


Separate Course Approval Controls from Modifying eLearning Records

Right now, in order to have a supervisor approve a course enrollment request, I have to select Enrollments/Modify for the supervisor’s role. But doing so allows a supervisor to modify a learner’s records like marking a lesson or course complete th...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery