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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 23, 2022

Allow for Past Completions

It would be helpful if Admins had the ability to allow/accept past completions if desired. This could be either for all times, or select a date- such as Allow Past Completions since mm/dd/yyyy or X number of days/months/years. This would be useful when a course is added to a curriculum rather than the system marking the curriculum complete if the course(s) were already completed. For example: if the course had already been completed, the admin could decide to accept the course completion if it had been completed in the last 6 months. Otherwise, they would be Enrolled and required to complete the course again. The admin should also be able to not allow for past completions. For example- when a course is updated with pertinent information and users are required to take again- such as adding new laws or rules/regulations to Compliance Courses.

This would also be helpful with reoccurring Compliance Training. Our Supervisors like to be proactive and notify their employees of upcoming required training. If a user completes the course from the catalog a few days prior to their automatic re-enrollment in the Curriculum the admin should be able to decide if they want to allow the course completion to satisfy the curriculum. This comes up a lot for us and eventually the use will become past due, even though they recently completed the course. We have even seen this happen on the same day- whereas, a user complete a course at 9am, and is automatically re-enrolled on the same day at 4pm.

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