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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 28, 2022

add the CourseEnrollmentId column header to the GET api/Rest/v1/SessionSchedules endpoint

We are requesting to add the CourseEnrollmentId column header to the GET api/Rest/v1/SessionSchedules endpoint (GET api/Rest/v1/SessionSchedules ( We are currently pulling in the SessionSchedules endpoint but the whole purpose of this is to get sessions to specifically be related to what a user is enrolled in. We are also using the other two endpoints you recommended as well, the issue with that is we have ~51,000 combinations of users and their enrolled courses (a number that will continue to grow). So in order for us to do this we have to pass the UserId and CourseId 51,000 times through those endpoints just to get the SessionId column to join to the SessionSchedules endpoint. This process as seen extremely large runtimes. The reason we asked about the CourseEnrollmentId being added is because the GET api/Rest/v1/users/{userId}/enrollments/{courseId}/sessions?status={status}&modifiedSince={modifiedSince} endpoint has both CourseEnrollmentId and SessionId together so there is already a known link. Our goal is to get session details and link it to an enrollment with having to pass a large number of parameters.Adding the CourseEnrollmentID column header will help us greatly improve our process for this issue currently, and for our API in the future.

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