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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 16, 2022

Hide Course Folders for Admins

Right now, if I want admins to have the ability to enroll users in courses from the Users interface, I have to select the Categories/View check box for the admin role. Doing so DOES allow the admin to enroll users in courses from the Users interface.

However, with the Admin Refresh, it has the unintended consequence of making every folder in the LMS visible, even if there are no courses within each folder that are visible. This becomes problematic when the LMS is used for different business units or different offices that have very different functions.

Such a user interface needs improvement in my opinion and adds to the cognitive load for admins. It also requires more training and support when the admin gets confused by seeing the entire folder structure.

Just like we have the ability to provide visibility settings for courses and global resources, would like to have visibility settings for what folders admins can view.

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