When a folder is created in Analyze, it has an owner, an Admin. If another admin wants/needs to move a dashboard into that folder, they can't - only Admin A can do it.
For a dashboard, multiple admins can edit the dashboard. However, only the Owner can change the sharing. So, if I need to give access to that dashboard, I have to track down the owner and get them to do it.
Note: Both of these issues are technically addressed by the recently added ability to impersonate an administrator, but that seems like it is not the right way to address the issue.
Ok, thank you! That clarifies the details anyway. Appreciate the follow up. I will update this thread if and when we have news for you.
The use case for moving into a folder is pretty simple. We have a folder
for clients, another folder for instructors, a third folder for sales. Any
of the admins can develop a dashboard in our testing area. When it is
ready, they want to deploy it to the production folder (one of the
above-mentioned). But they can't, because only the folder own can move
things into the production folder.
Hi Jake,
That seems like a reasonable comment 'admin impersonation isn't the way to solve this', we can take this back to our BI vendor and see where it is at on their roadmap. We also noticed that folders are personal to the user. I am not sure if there is any intent to change that.
Duplicate dashboard may be a way around having to reach out to the owner. Can you tell us more about wanting to move dashboards between folders? What is the reason for this use case? Is it a regular operation someone would want to undertake?