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Add a feature that allows you to automatically enroll users into ILC sessions when enrolled or self-enrolled into a curriculum

We run curriculums that are a hybrid of online courses and instructor-led sessions. When enrollment occurs into a curriculum, it would be fantastic to have a feature where learners could be automatically enrolled into sessions that live within the...
over 1 year ago in Curriculum 3 Reviewed

Curricula Learner Progress Report

Would like to see a customize learner progress report automatically update with courses within a curriculum. When courses are removed/added to the curriculum, the report should be automatically updated and the inactive course are no longer shown o...
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum / Reporting 1 Reviewed

Record Curriculum completion date based on the date of completion of the last course

This is a significant compliance issue - there is inconsistency in Absorb with how Curricula are fulfilled/completion date is recorded. Depending on how enrollment is completed within the system or via integration import, the date used to complete...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 1 Reviewed

Add Evaluations at the Curriculum Level

Currently, you can allow users to rate a curriculum, but there is no option to allow learners to complete an evaluation. It would be helpful to gather data at that level, especially since we use curricula for department-specific new hire training.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 3 Reviewed

Admin Ability to Update Curricula Due Date on Individual Basis

At times there are circumstances that make it impossible for an individual to complete a curricula on time. It would be beneficial for Admins to be able to push out the due date for an individual.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 4 Reviewed

Remove Curriculum Completion when a Course Group Completion within is no longer satisfied.

The situation described below would assist Managers in quickly determining an Employee's Curriculum Training Status, and currency, without having to look at individual Course Completions. I'll describe one existing scenario, but this scenario appl...
over 3 years ago in Curriculum / Reporting 3 Reviewed

Searching for a Course within a Curriculum

When searching the Course Catalog it should be possible to return results for Courses which are within Curriculums to optimize discoverability
over 3 years ago in Curriculum / Learner Experience 2 Reviewed