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Expand Analyze to include Grand Parent Department

Currently, Analyze only has the ability to report on Department and Parent Department in the same report. I need another level up the hierarchy to include Grand Parent Department as well. We are a large restaurant/retail company with individual lo...
over 2 years ago in Analyze 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Make Analyze search not case-sensitive

When I search for a course to report on in Analyze, I must use the exact same capitalization as in the course name. Remove the case-sensitivity so we can search without capitalizing or uncapitalizing.
over 2 years ago in Analyze 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Default exclude deleted/inactive enrollments/chapters

Many of the data models include deleted and inactive items by default and require adding multiple filters to exclude that data. This is generally opposite of the behavior in reports and views in Absorb. For example, if you copy a course for testin...
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Report on Resource Tags

Need the ability to create a report showing all resources and their tags, or all tags and their resources. In Absorb and in Absorb Analyze.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Analyze / Reporting 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Allow All Analyze Features For All Data Sources

Right now, there is no way to filter a course rating/ assessment with a session timeframe because session data is not available in the Assessment Data Source. All data should be available in all data sources to allow us to do more in-depth reporting.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Analyze 2 Low Probability of Delivery