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Automatical translation for ''Continue'' buton

Currently, if you change the language in the course parameters, the name of the buton ''Continue'' in the feedbacks doesnt translate. You have to manually enter each feedbacks to translate the word. It would be nice if it would translate automatic...
3 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed


When hyperlinking text in Create, the text does not change to identify it is a hyperlink. I have to manually underline and change the color to signify it is a link. Could this be autoformatted with the hyperlink functionality?
over 2 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Move the grid settings to be more accessible

It would be very helpful if the grid options could be added to the Interaction Menu rather than being hidden in the Settings menu. The grid is helpful to align objects but is too obtrusive to keep on so I often need it for a short while and then w...
about 3 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Within Create module, specify which course in the LMS you'd like the content dropped into

Within the Create tool, we cannot specify what course we would like the lesson dropped into, as when published it automatically publishes into a new course. Right now you can workaround by Exporting the content to SCORM and then load them to a sin...
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

Delete Multiple Slides at once

My idea is quite simple. It would be really helpful to be able to select and delete multiple slides. Think Powerpoint slide review (see attached) which gives you a thumbnail view of an entire project. Benefits:-users would be able to delete more t...
almost 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Free text questions can be marked as correct or incorrect in Absorb Create

Currently in Absorb Create, when you add a free text question, the answer is automatically marked as correct regardless of what the learner puts in. It would be great if there was the option of setting what the accepted answers are, like for free ...
11 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Improve tool tip feature

It would be helpful if the tooltip feature could offer the same editing abilities. For example, the ability to edit images or change size of an image without modifying text
over 1 year ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Replace Multiple Resources at Once

When creating courses, we include pdf forms for the learners to download. To add the forms, we insert a download icon, select Action > On click > Download a file > Choose a file and upload the pdf. Some of the forms appear in multiple cou...
6 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Improved interface navigation for content reviewers in Absorb Create

We request a more efficient and user-friendly way for users with review permissions in Absorb Create (access to comment but not with a Create license) to access the content they need to review. Currently, these users can only access the content vi...
6 months ago in Admin Experience / Create 1 Unreviewed

Scalability and Time Saving : Media Library

It would greatly improve user experience and save time if the Media Library could be organized as an alphabetical list. Even with categorical organization, users are finding it too labor intensive to locate objects by scrolling through thumbnails.
over 1 year ago in Create 1 Unreviewed