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Add capability for students do a "graded" self-evaluation survey to identify strengths and weaknesses.

I want to have two self-evaluation surveys in a course I am developing. Each survey has five questions with five possible answers for each question. Each possible answer to a question has a different value. As the student answers each question the...
3 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

For CREATE courses containing a quiz

On the assessment reports in Absorb, please make attempts count actual quiz tries/attempts. Currently the reports count how many times the CREATE course was opened by the learner and not how many times the CREATE quiz was taken by the learner.
7 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Increasing Animations

Presently, the animations are limited to entrance and exit. I often find when I am adding a voice over, that I want to emphasize something on the screen, but I have no way to do that unless I hide that content until that point in the audio. I'd lo...
almost 2 years ago in Create 0 Low Probability of Delivery

Allow recovery of deleted slides

The undo button is not helpful. I accidentally deleted a slide and there is no way to recover my work. Make recovering work a priority.
8 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Create - view published versus unpublished

In Create, when looking at the Course list, there is no way to immediately identify the course status. Is it in build or publish? Can we have a filter added that designates if a course has been published.
4 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Sort Manage Content alphabetically as well as last edited

We have a lot of courses on the go in development and we have had to create a prefix standard to ensure we are managing the courses in production as well as development. We want to be able to not just sort by last edited, which is great, but also ...
7 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Bulk Actions for Delete, Categorize, and Move to Workspace

When clients reach 100s of courses, and dozens of workspaces, the ability to complete bulk actions in the workspace will be necessary to reduce the cognitive load of keep a large amount of content organized. As clients using Create LI cope with ev...
almost 2 years ago in Create 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Auto create course poster with Create

When you publish a course, have it ask if you want a poster auto-created (from the first slide maybe?); or you could include poster creation as part of the course creation - so it essentially works like Amplify where if you convert a course, there...
6 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Re-enter playbook from current slide option in Create

When using the playback mode in Create, sometimes you'll catch a little something that needs edited and go back to editor mode. Now to go back to playbook, it starts at the very beginning. It would be great to have the choice to playbook from the ...
6 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Calculate Course Duration Automatically

Auto-calculate course duration and populate the info within Course Settings. This would be a sum of all of the "Add time to slide" values from all of the slides within the course. This value could then be adjusted as needed.
about 3 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available