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Ability to Delete Create Workspace

Would like to be able to delete a Create workspace that was never used. Even if you delete the user, the workspace remains.
6 months ago in Create 0

Create - view published versus unpublished

In Create, when looking at the Course list, there is no way to immediately identify the course status. Is it in build or publish? Can we have a filter added that designates if a course has been published.
6 months ago in Create 0

Sort Manage Content alphabetically as well as last edited

We have a lot of courses on the go in development and we have had to create a prefix standard to ensure we are managing the courses in production as well as development. We want to be able to not just sort by last edited, which is great, but also ...
8 months ago in Create 0

Calculate Course Duration Automatically

Auto-calculate course duration and populate the info within Course Settings. This would be a sum of all of the "Add time to slide" values from all of the slides within the course. This value could then be adjusted as needed.
over 3 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Bulk Actions for Delete, Categorize, and Move to Workspace

When clients reach 100s of courses, and dozens of workspaces, the ability to complete bulk actions in the workspace will be necessary to reduce the cognitive load of keep a large amount of content organized. As clients using Create LI cope with ev...
almost 2 years ago in Create 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to edit the Submit button

When it comes to creating a course and adding a question to a slide, I would like to be able to edit the standard Submit button. I am creating both English and French modules through branching and my only option is to have the submit button displa...
10 months ago in Create 0

Option to add a 'Blank Answer' that can be manually marked in an Assessment

Right now you are required to provide an answer when creating a "Text" question in an Assesment. It would be nice to have the option to manually grade the employees open-ended answer to a question.
over 3 years ago in Assessment Lessons / Create 5 Reviewed

Convert PowerPoint to an Absorb Create Course

It would be helpful if a PowerPoint presentation could be imported and converted to an Absorb Create course
almost 3 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Ability to change message at end of scoring quiz & only show #/# "Sorry, you have failed this quiz"

Ability to change the message at end of quiz "Sorry you have failed quiz" to allow different wording. Also allow abiltiy to show X/X or % or both
almost 2 years ago in Create 2 Under Consideration

Save a user's progress prior to a course update

What challenge are we facing today? When we edit a course that is already running (i.e. learners are already enrolled and they are going through the course content), and we re-publish the course, all progress of the learners are erased, even their...
over 1 year ago in Create 4