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Reports: Change Control History

When a course is republished, require the submitted to include a note on what has been changed. Make the republish date, changes made, and submitter name reportable in the reports are of Absorb.
over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Fair Probability of Delivery

Reports: Original Publish Date

It would really help us with reporting if an original publish date field could be tracked and added to all reports. It doesn't really matter to us when we initially create a course b/c that is not when it's actually available to staff and clients ...
over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Future Consideration

Duplicate Filter

Would like to see a filter for any of the columns in the users page that would allow admins to search for duplcate information, users. I believe this would help manage accounts especially if admins aren't aware when any duplicate accounts exist. T...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Gathering Interest

Remove permissions of inactive users

(Just got in trouble on an audit because of this one) When someone has their Analyze license removed, their permissions on Analyze reports should be removed. If you look at the permissions on a report in Analyze, it will show people who have had t...
over 1 year ago in Analyze 1

I should be able to submit a Filter text entry with the Enter key when I use the Report tool of the Admin interface.

I should be able to submit a Filter text entry with the Enter key when I use the Report tool of the Admin interface. Before Admin refresh I am sure I could type something in the Admin search field and then tap Enter to activate the Filter. Now I c...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Gathering Interest

Add Manager's Email to Reporting

Would it be possible to add the manager's email address as a display option in all course and curriculum reports? This would allow a user to get the data as a downloaded spreadsheet and be able to see the manager's email address, which could enhan...
3 months ago in Reporting 0 Future Consideration

Reporting on Auto-Enrollment rules

I was looking for a comprehensive report listing of all courses set with auto-enrollment enabled - not just a list of the courses, but details about the rules. We have to track requirements for each of our positions outside of Absorb because there...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Future Consideration

Schedule One Time Reports

Sometimes a request comes in where a report isn't required immediately but once at a future date. Rather than trying to remember when to run the report, it would be nice if there were an option to schedule a one time report on a specific date in t...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Fair Probability of Delivery

Improve Base Reporting fields

I would like some fields to be added/adjusted in the base reporting for "Learner Activity". These adjustments shouldn't be too hard because these fields already exist in the "User" list. Can you add the fields of "Synced from Salesforce" and "Inte...
6 months ago in Analyze Essentials 0

Allow for a "is not instructor" in Analyze

We have many seasonal positions so people move often but we'd still like to be able to track who trained what courses. This is not currently a possibility because Analyze only allows us to pull "is instructor" meaning anyone who still works for us...
6 months ago in Analyze 0