Saved report filters save only for a single ILC session, not overall
Each instructor wants to see their roster data in their own way. If a report filter is saved, then only that specific ILC session will show that report. The filters have to be reset up each and every time. We need to be able to set report filters ...
It would be very useful if all lessons, regardless of them being shared or not, could be managed via the lessons report. This way we manage onboarding new courses via the import tool but can manage any content updates (as we release on a quarterly...
Report filtering does not have ability for drop down selection. Instead, you have to type in a word. With thousands of records, we may not know what word we are searching for. If it would populate the options and let us select (multi-select but on...
Show all courses in a curriculum on the User Enrollments or Transcript
Our current challenge is our LMS admin reviewing the Analyze Dashboard reports for curriculum completion, User Transcript or User Enrollment report and seeing the curriculum as 'In Progress', but looking at the courses contained within, they all l...
almost 2 years ago
in Reporting
Future Consideration
Add Courses report column for Certificate>Notes and More>Notes
We’d like to be able to run Courses reports that include the description (without HTML – see other request) and the Certificate notes (only available via the certificates report) and the Notes under the last section (“More”) in order to run a comp...
I would like to allow to export data from Absorb Analyze to excel. The PDF option is not always friendly. Many times I have printed to PDF but it doesn't capture all the information. I have to be very careful and change the settings. But then the ...
Currently Version History is available at the course and user level. However, clients require the ability to pull a system report that shows all Version History including course/user name, who has made changes, date/timestamp, and what was changed.
about 3 years ago
in Reporting
Future Consideration
It would be nice to filter report columns by no data. For example I would specifically like to filter the last logged in or first logged in columns by empty, so that I could easily see and reach out to users who have never logged into our LMS inst...
about 2 years ago
in Reporting
Currently Available