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Assessment Report Filter Enhancements

When using the assessment report, there are very few columns/filters that can be added. Being able to add Dept, Location, and custom fields (concept for us) would be extremely helpful.
almost 3 years ago in Reporting 3 Unreviewed

Ability to Create a Text Area on Dashboard

We would like to be able to place instructions on our dashboard in text form without updating a tile. It would be great if we could just add a text box in anywhere we want to place information.
almost 3 years ago in Administrator Dashboards / Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add line manager name to reports

After launching some mandatory training on Absorb it would be useful to include the users line manager within the course activity reports. For example, for everyone who is overdue on the training we could then easily contact their line managers to...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Due Date for Instructor Led Course (ILC)

Please add the ability to have a due date for ILC
about 2 years ago in Reporting 3 Unreviewed

Show all courses in a curriculum on the User Enrollments or Transcript

Our current challenge is our LMS admin reviewing the Analyze Dashboard reports for curriculum completion, User Transcript or User Enrollment report and seeing the curriculum as 'In Progress', but looking at the courses contained within, they all l...
over 1 year ago in Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Report Filtering behaviour

I'd like to see it such that when I click the filter button for a column and start typing, it enters the text in the right section of the filter. IE: I click the LAST NAME filter, and the default is prefilled with LAST NAME and CONTAINS; I should ...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Option to not show HTML in Course Description in Courses Report

It would be more helpful to us in the Courses report to be able to see the description without the HTML.
over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Course Activity - show course chapters as column option

It would be great to have course chapters as a column option for the Course Activity report vs having to edit each individual to see what chapter they got stuck on. Along with a column to see if they completed tasks or uploads vs going to another ...
about 3 years ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Search Saved Report Layouts

We have a lot of saved report layouts, especially in our Learning Progress reports. Rather than scrolling and waiting for the list to load, and scrolling more, it'd be so helpful if there was a search field at the top to allow us to search our sav...
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Course upload attach in Transcript

Whatever is uploaded onto the course (for example a signed checklist) as a course upload should show on the transcript for the user. That way they have access to it.(the documentation with the course) So they could click on the transcript and see ...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Unreviewed