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Create a workflow when Leaderboard point total is reached

So you earned 1000 pts? So what? It would be great if we could set milestones on our Leaderboard to trigger an action. Ex. You reached 100 points & earned a badge. You reached 200 points. You have been enrolled into this free course of review ...
about 1 year ago in Leaderboards 0

Have leaderboards for courses, not users

It would be great to have a leaderboard for specific courses instead of user groups. For example, if I run a campaign on Customer Service, I want to see who earned the most points just for that content. Currently, all points earned from other cour...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 2

Leaderboard functionality to show results based on different reporting metrics

Would love to be able to show leaderboards based on some of the data we can get from a report - for example, first employees to complete something (fastest to complete), score, etc. I also would love to be able to run a leaderboard just based on o...
about 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 0

Specify certain courses for leaderboards

When creating a new leaderboard, instead of just going with all courses or any courses that contain leaderboard points, being able to make leaderboards specific to curriculums or courses so we can track specific progress and can have multiple lead...
almost 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 5

Collaboration - Add custom field or Job title field to display name

When a learner posts on a forum, we would like it to include their profession or job title after their full name either through a custom field or the job title field found in Absorb LMS.
10 months ago in Collaborations 0

Create a login pop-up for user acknowledgement at login.

We need a pop-up to get our users to acknowledge that they are about to see proprietary information and they may not bring it outside the company.
4 months ago in Banners 0

Leaderboards for Bundles/Curriculums

It would be great if we can have leaderboards for Bundles/Curriculums that we have put together to encourage competition and completion for a particular initiative that we've created.
over 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 8 Reviewed

Billboard Timing Options

I would like the ability to add a publish date, and expiration date for billboards. Similar how to this can be added for leaderboards. This would make the management of billboards easier and let us not have to worry about taking them down if the a...
almost 2 years ago in Billboards / Engage 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Collaborations Reporting - Questions, Upvotes, Answers, Best Answer Reporting

Ability to report on questions and their answers and posts and their comments/ likes/ etc in a way that connects corresponding questions and answers or posts and comments. Right now, each item is separate in the Collaborations Activity report, so ...
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 0

Track Billboard clicks

Similiar to the idea to see how many views News Articles get (see, It would be great to be able to see how many clicks a specific Billboard gets. This way we can see how impactful the messaging of the b...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Engage / Reporting 1 Reviewed