Add visibility and admin permissions to engage features
Right now engage features are only viable for system admins because when you are given engage permissions, you see all polls and news items created. We want to be able to give our admins the right to use engage features but only see what they've c...
Report of Flagged/ Reported Posts in Absorb Analyze
Option to report on flagged/ reported collaborations posts in Absorb reoprt and in Analyze. Ie, kind of flag, who posted, who flagged, (or anonymous), when flagging occurred, when posting occurred, etc.
Report Post/ Flagged Post in Collaboration Anonymous or Visible Option
Ability to choose if the report is anonymous to admin. There are pros and cons to admin being able to see who reported vs not being able, especially in our field.
I often get confused when trying to navigate the sidebar menu on the admin side of Absorb, especially when I am trying to find Absorb Create (squares) and Absorb Engage (rocketship) as the icons aren't relatable. I think it would be better to eith...
For Absorb Engage - leaderboard showing score/average score
Would like an option to create a leaderboard that can show score for a specific course curriculum as opposed to just the x points for completion. Would like to see by user, maybe top 5 in the dashboard preview, and with the ability to click in to ...