Pre-admin refresh, there was a preview button for certificates. Especially for building custom ones, this made it very easy to verify everything was working. Now, you have to enroll in the course and mark yourself completed just to preview it.
Have the ability to do mass updates to user profiles using the ID (GUID) as the connecting factor between the spreadsheet and the profile. This would allow mass updates of usernames and all other profile aspects. This is helpful for us as email ad...
Automatic Enrolment for Learner at the top of an ILC Waitlist
As opposed to manually enrolling learners from a waitlist, having a feature to automatically assign a learner on this waitlist, would be a hugely beneficial addition.
When viewing a curriculum syllabus, include a button that will jump you to the course edit page. It would be best if it would be able to return you back to the curriculum, too.
Allow customization of What's Next (number of days)
Currently, the What's Next tile only shows content due within 7 days. We like to assign and give learners several weeks to complete content. When a learner signs in, if it is more than a week, the tile reads they are all caught up. This technicall...
Add Spreadsheet Import Support for Enrollments and Groups
Currently, the only way to add an existing user for a course Enrollment, or to add a user to a Group, is manually, one at a time. Please add Spreadsheet import support for Enrollments and Groups to dramatically reduce Admin administrative burden.
We would like a feature to be added in the automatic enrollment rules so that we can automatically re-enroll users on a recurring schedule. For example, we have many trainings that must be retaken every year on January 1st, but currently, we don't...
Admin setting without Paced Progress for course review
We'd like to be able to activate a setting for a specific department of users (our certified facilitators/trainers) so that they can view curricula without the paced progress. Currently we need to duplicate large courses and leave paced progress o...