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Core LMS

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Import time to complete for LinkedIn Courses

When importing LinkedIn courses to the catalog the time to completion is not carried over. It is visible when you look at the courses on the admin side under LinkedIn Learning, but not in the catalog. Having to manually add is tedious.
4 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Grant Admin Role via Enrollment KEy

I want to allocate a specific admin role to a user based on how they answered a custom field question on an enrollment key. My use case is: I have users self-creating accounts using enrollment keys. In that enrollment key, they are required to pic...
4 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Course/Session approval expiry or reminder

Course/Session approvals need some automation to follow up so they don't just sit there for months cause learners/leaders don't address them. Either an expiry/cancellation with notice to one or both the learner or supervisor or a reminder to the s...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Consistent Calendar Information

The information contained in the different calendar items for an ILC is not consistent. The Session Enrollment Email contains all the information, however the Add To Calendar (ics file) doesn't contain any of the detail for the session. The URL (f...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Nudge for e-Learnings that need to be renewed

When and e-Learning needs to be renewed annually is there a way that the learner can get a nudge to say it is due. For an example 3 mths before it is due a notification goes out and the completed goes to due.
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Set minimum amounts for coupon use and course purchases

We have a particular discount structure for course purchases, for example, 20% discount for 100+ course purchases. A minimum usage setting in the coupon set up would mean clients could not use the coupon for any less than the 100 users the specifi...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Create Assignment Group with Excel File

More efficient way to create a group Create group name Upload spreadsheet wtih the clean list (including email, employee ID, etc.) to populate the group I had this functionality with a previous LMS and it worked very well.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Pending approval custom message template

It would be helpful to use custom pending approval message templates that could be tailored for each course rather than only being able to use the default pending approval message template. We have some courses that have different criteria and tim...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Terms and Conditions (and User Agreements) should have not character limits

No description provided
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Ability to export video transcription

It would be very helpful if there was the ability to export the transcription that was generated into a txt file, make corrections in an editor, and reupload them into the course. The current setup is rudimentary and time consuming, with the time ...
about 1 year ago in Video Lessons 0 Unreviewed