We'd like to be able to have one published version of a job aid or user guide that can be pulled into courses and or curricula. We might be able to do this already by using the URL from the published resource inside of a course or curriculum rathe...
Admin comment field in a Learner's course/session enrollment edit screen
We have a need to add comments to a User's enrollment in the Admin experience --> User, View enrollments, edit enrollment. This will allow us to provide background information to edits we've made to an enrollment for an online course / ILC sess...
Increase image file size limit for the Welcome Background and Foreground image
The 300KB limitation makes it very difficult to upload quality images without them appearing grainy or blurry. I think perhaps a couple of megabytes worth would be more than enough.
Is there a plan to be able to send a user a link that takes them directly to a course as opposed to the dashboard?
This will reduce barriers to navigate directly to the course
We have some customers located in India and other countries. These customers have long names and it is important to capture them on their completion documents. Currently the Certificate feature only accommodate two names the first and last name. I...
Courses - Under "Display Column", add "Supervisor" as an option
It would be nice to have a "supervisor" option to the selection under the Display Options. This would be helpful when running a report to be able to sort by a particular supervisor if required.
I would like someone to be Admin and Reviewer but with different User access. Scenario: I have a Lead of a department I want to be able to be admin for the whole department. This includes Transcripts & enrollment access for those users/ The Le...