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Core LMS

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Customise Platform name per department

At the moment there are some limiations on which elements can be customised per department. For example, I can set up a different logo and favicon per department, but the tab name shown next to the favicon in the browser is the same across all dep...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 2

Absorb webinar intergration

Are there any plans to to have an actual Absorb based Webinar integration instead of a third party like you currently have (Connect Pro, GoToMeeting, WebEx) or even External URLs? We find that some of our end users have problems when it comes to t...
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1

Add a Lockdown Browser (Respondus)

Absorb needs a lockdown browser. There is a Proctored exam feature on Absorb however Admins need to be able to lockout all other websites during certain exams. Respondus has a program that can be added to Absorb easily and quickly. Absorb would ne...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Type in name and press enter to see all of the courses when filtering in course evaluations

We have multiple courses with the same name. We differentiate them through the dates or other information. You currently cannot add filters to your search for a course. I want the same interface as the Courses tab, where you filter for your course...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Customizable title for meeting request in ILC custom Session enrollment message

We have learned that no matter what we put in the subject line box for a custom Session enrollment message, the name/title on the meeting request line will be "Course Name - Session Name". The learner sees this in the Microsoft Outlook calendar, f...
12 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Future Consideration

User Creation Approval - Self-registration

Self-registration option is available; however, in some cases, we need to approve users before they're added as active users in the system. An enhancement would be to add an approval process for the sign-up/self-registration where an administrator...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0

Add Inactive Users to Groups and Enroll in Courses

Allow the addition of inactive users to groups and enroll in courses, so that when the user is activated all other admin work is complete. This will allow admin work to be done in bulk before the user is activated.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Future Consideration

HTML Email - Reset Password Link button update

We are setting up our password reset email to use our own logos, colors, branding, etc. We tried creating the Reset Password Link as a button instead of a text link. However, when we use {{{ResetPasswordLink}}} as built in Absorb, there is an extr...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Future Consideration

Access Course by Clicking Title in Transcript

Make it possible for learners to access a course by clicking its title in the Transcript
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Allow Users to Message each other more easily

Users should be able to message each other from the Message page in the profile (or a separate messages/ inbox page). Right now, they have to go through leaderboards, which is not intuitive at all. They also need a contact list of people that they...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0