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Core LMS

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Option to hide courses from Admin view when completed

The ability to hide completed courses from course view on the admin page. With an ever increasing list of courses (with similar naming convention), would give the ability to tidy the admin course interface. I would rather not delete courses.
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Enhance search analytics report (add user information)

As an Admin, I want to be able to use the search analytics report to portion out the searches performed by Internal and External users. By adding the username, department, the search analytics report would provide more beneficial data.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Custom Certificate per Department

We are providing content to organizations for their in service training. We have setup per organization a department to customize each landing and login page. We need to have a custom certificate configuration per department to show the organizati...
about 1 year ago in Online Courses 0

Allow for External Training Data Entry Role

Would like the ability to have employees with a specific role or permission to be able to create a External Training entries for other employees.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1

Field level permissions

We'd love the ability to be able to flag certain fields for "Sys Admin update only". So any admin with update permissions on Users CANNOT update the fields we've flagged (these might be Absorb standard fields or custom fields we've created). There...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Send a notification to users when someone assigns them a badge

Currently the system doesn't notify the user when they have received a badge from someone else, we have to manually send out messages for this. It would be helpful if Absorb sent a notification to the assignee that they have received a new badge. ...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Allow learners to edit their profile

Name changes happen often so it would be nice if learners could edit their profile to update name, email, username vs. putting that work on Admins.
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Allow Admin to Delete Survey Questions After User Has Submitted

We need to be able to delete survey questions even after a learner has submitted an answer. I created a template course that included a survey, and submitted a survey as a test but now i cannot delete my submission in order to delete the question.
about 2 years ago in Online Courses / Survey Lessons 1 Future Consideration

Visual tab for department creation

Currently, creating a department hierarchy can only be viewed as drop-downs on a list. I want a visual tab to output an image to help visualize how I organized the departments. Ideal, I would like a drag-drop interface to create it and then zoom i...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Future Consideration

Visibility rules on course administration based on profile attribute

If we could allow for course admin visibility be set with other options other than department. For example, if an admin user has a specific job title, or something identified in a custom field or line item in their profile, they can receive admin ...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Future Consideration