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Core LMS

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102 VOTE

ILC Session: recurring dates should allow multiple days in one week or variable days month.

We have trainings that are held on a different days within a week or multiple varying days throughout the month. Staff are not able to get a calendar reminder to mark off the days as the system does not allow for this. WE currently have to just no...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 17 Low Probability of Delivery

Generate a summary or list of the courses in a curriculum

It would be great to be able to generate a report or capture a list of courses that were added in a curriculum. This will help in auditing and comparing curricula, as well as sending the list of courses in a curriculum to learners, admins and mana...
12 days ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Copy and paste option in review tool

It would be nice if we could use the ''Copy and paste'' option when writing bugs in the review tool. So if you want someone to change a particular sentence by an other sentence, we could just copy and paste that sentence.
12 days ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Option to make the bug disapear when fixed

When a bug has been fixed, it would be nice if it would disapear from the list, but still be accessible if needed for back tracking by the development team. When there are a lot of bugs fixed, it becomes hard to find the one that you still have to...
12 days ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Cancel ILC Session Button

It would be brilliant to "cancel" an ILC session without having to delete it so we can track how often these have to be cancelled especially in the care sector where staff availability is low. Cancel button would make the session unavailable and u...
12 days ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Test Out function

Allow employees to click into a course and take a test out option or proceed to the quiz at the end.
about 2 months ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed
104 VOTE

Send evaluation link to learner

When a course evaluation is requested the learner still needs to go to the course and this often gets forgotten. Would be great if the learner would receive a notification after completing the online course or after the ILC session is over with a ...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 8 Reviewed
101 VOTE

Ability to upload a file for mass enrollment

Not sure if this already exists but I don't see this when I'm enrolling a lot of users. Can we get a functionality where we can just simply upload a CSV (or any format suitable) file containing user details that makes mass enrollment to a course/c...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 20 Reviewed

Bulk Edit ILC Sessions

Today if we have 10 or 100 sessions for an ILC and we need to change the same set of details across sessions that has to be done one session at a time. It would be an awesome time saver to change things like the event date, time, venue, instructor...
2 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Ability to tag a course as NEW that would show in corner on the Course IMage

It is nice that there is a featured ribbon to feature courses but it would be great to highlight NEW content with a tag or label on the top corner like attached!
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 9 Reviewed