Currently resources are always displayed in Alphabetical order, the ability to adjust how resources are displayed would enable displaying resources in a meaningful order
When updating a Curriculum, have an option NOT to update user progress
When we make an update to a curriculum, the change may be as small as fixing a video from auto-playing over the slide's auto-play. Making this level of adjustment should not reset user's progress through the course/curriculum.
We would like to option to set the time a course is due (ex. due at 5pm CST or midnight CST) instead of it being due at the exact time you enrolled them but "x" dates later or on "x" date. We want them to have that full day to complete the trainin...
The Groups section needs more settings/filters. We want to view who created the group and what courses/enrollments are using the group. Someone may think the group is unused and delete it, not realizing someone else is using it.
Credit (ceu) from external training does not get added to learners transcript total. A system Admin should be able to add this without creating a work around blank online course and adding credit to it. Can you add on the profile edit page an ente...
Toggle to "View Completed Course" when reviewing catalogs
It would be nice for a user to be able to see the courses they've already completed within the catalog or any subsection of a catalog. This would function in the same way the MyCourses toggle works.