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Core LMS

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Default for username must be users email - was possible before AR

When creating new users we previously could dictate that the username must be the email adresse of the user and this was automatically copied into username when the e-mail felt is completed
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0

Course expiration date should trump auto enrollment

Right now, if a course is set to automatic enrollment and has expired, new LMS users will still be enrolled in that course and can complete it. And we can't mark the courses as inactive, as that affects activity reports. The expiration date should...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Admin level where people can view everything, but not make any changes.

I think it would be great to have a system role where people could view learner information, run reports, basically do everything a system admin can do--except things like add or change courses, delete users, etc. We have a group of administrative...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

User Import Custom Welcome Email

It would be great if there was an option to use a custom welcome email when you are using the bulk user import function like there is with the enrollment key. We have different departments which would do well to have specific information when they...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Pre-Test Score Data Entry Field for Instructor-Led Sessions

At my organization, we test in and out of our technical training course content. We could really use a data entry in the back end of instructor-led sessions to enter pre-test scores.
9 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Reinstate numeric values for progress percentages in Learner Progress reports

In the late Summer or early Fall of 2021, Absorb appears to have changed the progress percentages in the Excel & CSV versions of the Learner Progress reports to text instead of numeric values. We produce several reports for our clients contain...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Currently Available

Course Recommendations - Exclude optional courses from curricula

Curriculum has two groups. Group 1 - Questionnaire Group 2 - Onsite ILC and Remote ILC (Only 1 is required) Learner has completed the Curriculum. (Questionnaire & Onsite ILC) Learner sees the Remote ILC in their Course Recommendations ribbon. ...
9 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Create Dashboard Shortcuts

Put pinned shortcuts on the Admin dashboard to things I do frequently like create course, edit course, view report, or whatever. Save me some clicks.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Visual Recommendations for Setting Up Curriculums and Courses

We will be contracting with Absorb soon, and in the POC I am setting up sample Courses and Curriculums. After watching Absorb Academy about the different course types, I was bummed to not be able to view recommendations and examples of how other c...
9 months ago in Core LMS 0

Copy user access to mirror another user

Hello. We often get requests where a user wants the same user access as another user. It would be cool to be able to assign user access by copying or mirroing that of another user. That would save us from manually rebuilding the access, especially...
9 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed