Can we add a dropdown or search option for a user to select their department when signing up for a new account? I know there is the enrollment key but that isn't the most user-friendly way to signup. Most of our departments don't have an Admin to ...
Change the first "Enroll" button in ILC's to "Like" or "Interested"
We have countless users that because they can see the date and time (either in marketing or by clicking on the first 'enroll' button) think that they have actually enrolled in the class. This results in extra people often showing up to class (unex...
Infuse lite - Browser extension to deliver content recommendations to drive engagement "in the flow of work"
Nearly all work today is being done through some SaaS platforms through their browser. Absorb could deliver content recommendations through a browser extension while they are in the SaaS application. For example, engineers setting up cloud service...
Emails sent through Admin to include instructor email and name and cc them
Our instructors send emails to class participants through the Admin portal but when the email goes out to participants it says it's from the portal, not the instructor. It would be great if the system would attach to the instructor's name and incl...
Set Post Enrollment Delays and Due Dates as Business Days
It would be great to have delays and due dates set for business days at midnight, not 24 hour intervals. We have training agendas for specific days of the week, so would want the post enrollment to be occur at midnight so they can access it right ...
Ability to Rename and Use Fields Under Attributes in Course Settings on the Certificate of Completion
It would be great to be able to rename and use the existing fields in each course (such as Audience, Goals, External Id, etc.) to populate information on the certificates.
over 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
When enrolling staff in ILC session, the sessions appear ascending meaning the oldest class appears first in the list. We have to scroll for a long time to get to the bottom of the list to enroll a student in the most recent session. Would like th...
Learners should be able to Un-Enroll after they have started a course.
I think Learners should be able to Un-Enroll in a course after they have started it. If I start a course and don't like it, I should be able to Un-Enroll.
Attendance Sheet "bulk" closure of Sessions by Instructors
Currently there is no way to sign-off all attendees for a session by the Instructor using an Attendance Sheet approach. This makes it cumbersome to sign-off attendance on an individual basis for each student. Please add a Session Attendance Sheet,...