The LMS "list view" on the MY COURSES tile should show due dates for each course next to the start button to make it easier for mobile phone users. So they don't have to start the course to see the due date.
Competency Widget Like Course Enrollment Status by Course
I have 52 different versions of our Clinical Annual Mandatory Training , one for each dept.To make reporting easier than having to look at 52 curricula reports, I assigned anyone that completes the same competency. Now one report to see who is don...
Widgets - Course Enrollment Status by Course - more filtering
Need to be able to see a widget that shows course completion, but be able to filter by more fields than the couple that are there. E.g. One course I have I need to only see staff hired between x and y. Extremely limiting.
Allow users to fast forward through videos they have already completed
When scrolling or fast fowarding through videos is restricted to force learners to go through the entire video...once they complete the entire video, they should be able to come back and fast foward through it the next time. Currently, once they c...
When using the auto transcribe for an online course that contains a video learning object, there needs to be a notification to let the admin know that the transcription process is complete.
Allow us to see the total number of questions within a created assessment.
I'm unsure why this feature was removed like so many others with the new Admin Refresh update. But PLEASE GIVE US BACK the feature to quickly see the number of questions of an assessment within the syllabus section. I can't be asked to go through ...
Be able to configure accessibility features for scored course assessments
Currently, you cannot configure accessibility features (i.e. alt text and screen reader order, etc...) for scored assessments and assessments are not screen reader compliant. Not being WCAG 2.0 compliant is a big problem as we have many federal go...
As an admin, I would like the ability to create data objects like company website, location, facilities to further classify users by organization types outside of the department/group structure.
Enable the edit of re enrollment emails to say that the mandatory course is about to expiry instead of that the employee has been re enrolled as this could be confusing for individuals.
It would be helpful if there were folder options to organize coupons on the admin side. We have certain coupons that need updating monthly and after years in the system we have hundreds of coupon to file through. We would love the option to place ...