Many cart abandonment issues can be attributed to unclear directions at the checkout page. The system does not sufficiently notify the learner that the process isn't completed until the phone number is entered, and they press the "complete transac...
Add a Course Enrollment Status by Group option to widget selection.
Because our departments have multiple managers or groups within them, it would be useful to create a widget based on a group and not the whole department. It would work the same as the other widget selections, but you would be able to create a gra...
Mark Pending Required Evaluation users as Complete after specified period of time
If users never complete the evaluation for courses with required evaluations, they stay as Pending Evaluation and are never counted as Complete for that course. Since users often miss the evaluation as it is in a spot that is easy to overlook, man...
Course option for LMS to mark courses complete based off review duration time.
It would be extremely helpful if there was a option within the course settings that would allow us to set a required review duration time for completion. The LMS would then ensure that the courses are in fact marked complete if a user has reached ...
Need a confirmation button or message once a student enrolls into an ILT.
After the student enrolls into an ILT session, they just log off. There's always confusion if they successfully enrolled or not. Can we have a confirmation message or button to appear?
Be able to configure accessibility features for scored course assessments
Currently, you cannot configure accessibility features (i.e. alt text and screen reader order, etc...) for scored assessments and assessments are not screen reader compliant. Not being WCAG 2.0 compliant is a big problem as we have many federal go...
As an admin, I would like the ability to create data objects like company website, location, facilities to further classify users by organization types outside of the department/group structure.
Enable the edit of re enrollment emails to say that the mandatory course is about to expiry instead of that the employee has been re enrolled as this could be confusing for individuals.
Is there a way to save a filter in Courses as the default? I want the same filter applied every time I click on Courses. Currently, the default view is "# of Ratings" and "Equals" Would be helpful if we can set our own defaults, mine will be "Name...