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Core LMS

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Time Spent - Increase by one digit beyond current max of 99999 which I've exceeded

As an admin of the system, I've spent so much time in it that I've exceeded the 5 digit (99,999) maximum value of the "Time Spent" field and it has rolled over, like the odometer of an old car, back to 00,000. This field should add a digit so that...
about 2 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add Mandatory Overdue/Incomplete button to Manager Experience to display employee listing.

Today, managers are unable to easily see which mandatory trainings are incomplete or overdue for their employees which is a requirement for their performance reviews. If they had a button on the manager dashboard that listed any employees who had ...
4 months ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Upload multiple files to Global Resources

Right now we can only upload one file at a time to Global Resources. It would save time to be able to upload multiple.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Customizable User-Specific Messages for Enhanced Course Communication Efficiency

Within the Messages section of a course, we should be able to create custom messages for each user type we can choose from (learner, admins, supervisor). This will significantly improve the communication efficiency. For example, using the enrollme...
6 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Receive a notification when a user deletes their enrollment to an ILC session

Currently there is no way of knowing when a user removes their enrollment to an ILC session. Users assume that the organizers gets some notification about this, but we don't, and there has been confusion many times about disappearing enrollments.
about 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Unreviewed

Observation Checklists | Retake/Multiple Attempts

When a checklist is failed, the checklist should be to be reset individually instead of having to re-enroll the user in the whole course. Allowing restarts or multiple attempts would allow either monthly/yearly recertification as well as fixing an...
over 2 years ago in Observation Checklist Lessons / Reviewer Experience 3 Reviewed

Filter by Group in Reports and Users

Groups can be useful to distinguish active from inactive learners, separate learners by enrollment key used, or role/position/title across all departments. However, I haven't found any pages that allow filtering by group, which kind of defeats the...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Currently Available

Allow addition of learning objects in ILC courses

It would be helpful if we could add learning objects to ILC courses to add steps before attending a session or after attending a session.
almost 2 years ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Incorporate Certificate Expiration in Manager Experience

Complaincy is highly regulated in our industry. We regulary need to provide certificates and completiion records to federal agencies - our employeees are not the most tech savy and rarley use email. Our Managers are required to ensure that their l...
29 days ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow job roles to be assigned as Manager Direct Report

Some of our department managers have over 20 direct reports, and it's cumbersome to have to individually select users under a manager's profile as a direct report. It would be helpful to be able to select direct reports by job role and everyone in...
about 2 months ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed