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Core LMS

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Yearly totals of Internal and External Credits on Transcript

Our users have an awful time attempting to manually add up (for example) their continuing education hours for 2024. They have to manually add 2024 submissions internal and external) and I have to run excel acrobatics to get their totals or visit t...
about 1 month ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

HTML/JS/CSS widget for developers

As a front-end developer, it would be beneficial to organizational teams using Absorb to have additional means to customize widgets and create better solutions for clients. A great example would be specific customize widget controls for say a dash...
6 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Curriculum Description Area Visibility

Can we please have the ability to enable a fully expanded curriculum/course description? The course details are a valuable place to store information for the learners to read when progressing through their learning and when minimized, some key inf...
11 months ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Add a curriculum group to the top, middle, etc - not just at the end and have to move up

Hi, when you have a curriculum with a lot of groups already and you're adding a new one, it automatically gets created at the bottom (no other option), and then you have to try to move it where you want it. Sometimes that is very difficult (esp if...
9 months ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Option to hide course from catalog, but still allow those with a direct link to enroll

We have certain courses that are only needed by some of our users at specific times. In those cases, we email them a link to the catalog page with instructions on how to enroll. But since those courses appear in the catalog to all users, we someti...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Allow for varied session dates for ILC

Currently ILCs must have a recurring schedule with the same times, locations, etc. It would be great if this wasn't required. I have courses that are a blend of in-person and virtual ILC with dates that are at varying intervals throughout the year...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Add a Confirmation when approving/denying the course/session attendancy

We would like to receive a confirmation once we click Approve/Deny button in the Pending Approval email for courses and sessions. Currently it is intended that the Approve/Deny button redirects you to the LMS page but you can see a blank screen wi...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Verbose Logging

The logging levels are very basic. It would be nice to have full verbose system logs so you can see everything that happens.
5 months ago in Core LMS 1 Unreviewed

Prevent a learner from starting two courses at the same time

After the recent headlines, our legal and compliance teams are asking us to put controls in place that prevent a learner from completing more than one course at the same time. Currently, you can open the LMS on more than one tab and start multiple...
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Feature where you can record yourself (audio and/or video) responding to a prompt within Absorb, with limited number of attempts

We would like to be able to prompt someone to record a video like "Record yourself pitching X product" and it would take place in the LMS and they would have X number of tries to record it. I know we can do it through course uploads now but we can...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 6 Unreviewed