Hi there, It would be wonderful to see an "available languages" dropdown on the Learner Experience side. Use case and example: In the event we provide a course in multiple languages, the dropdown would be available for the learner to select the la...
Hover over instruction on greyed out 'Enroll' button
We are getting a lot of users messaging to say that they can't enroll on to courses and that the enroll buttons are greyed out. This is because they are previewing the curriculum before enrolling on to it and do not realise that they need to click...
Please put the quick save button back. When editing question banks or building them, it takes so much more time to save regularly. When the system doesn't autosave, this is a huge issue.
I also need the auto toggle feature back. If I am bu...
Auto set courses to Start status when they reside in a curriculum
When courses reside in a curriculum they have a default status of Enroll until a student/employee actually starts the curriculum or courses within it. The problem is the Learned Progress report will display empty cells for a student/employee who h...
We should be able to create our own Custom Reports. The ability to start from scratch and add any fields we desire. The current reporting takes too much time to compile all the fields needed. A simple blank report and option to choose fields then ...
Remove or Hide Inactive Users from Groups and Dashboards
When somebody is terminated, I mark them as inactive, but they still show up in Groups that they were manually added to. This then means they show in dashboards that are based on that group. So I have to manually audit every group and dashboard to...
Change button color to darker or different blue when "Enroll" is clicked and becomes "Start."
When working through courses, after clicking "enroll" the text changes to "Start". When the course is completed, the word changes to "Completed" and the button changes to light green. It would be very nice to have the "Start" button be a different...