Go to Users and select a user. Add a 'Course Evaluations' button which will list all of the courses they've completed and left feedback. Click a course and it shows the feedback given. This helps us because we enrol customers onto multiple courses...
Meta badges! If you gain these three competencies you unlock this competency that represents all of the. If you want gamification thats how you get it! then they have something even higher to work towards an a cool exclusive badge that other peopl...
Allow individual credits per credit type to show in catalog - not a total of all
We love being able to grant more than one type of credit because it allows different credit types for different disciplines. There's no situation where anyone will use them all added up - they pick the ones needed for their particular discipline/l...
Automatic date/time/reviewer stamp for obs. checklist items
We're piloting the use of observation checklists, and one barrier (from a regulatory perspective) is that we need a date/time/reviewer stamp for every observation checklist item. We often utilize multiple reviewers over days or even weeks, so that...
Improvements to prevent external learners from creating duplicate accounts
We're not sure what the answer is to this issue, but anything you can do to prevent people from creating duplicate accounts would be greatly appreciated. We have an annual conference where people create new accounts every year! This costs us time ...
ILCs: Ability to add multiple Venues for a Sessions
Challenge: Currently we can only select one location as the training venue. Almost all our trainings have a zoom meeting as well as a meeting room or multiple training rooms for different regions. We do not have an integration for that. In a hybri...
Ability to create ILC session with different timings in same date (i.e.) Morning & Evening Schedules
Hi Team, We have a requirement that ILC sessions will happen in different patterns like 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening in the same date, 3 recurrences spread across two days like Day 1 - 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 01:00 PM to 03:0...
Course Approval: Ability for More than One Person to Approve
Courses require a supervisor’s approval. But we need an additional person who can view and approve or deny requests above the level of the supervisor (the supervisor’s supervisor). This can be easily solved by updating the rule in the course appro...
almost 3 years ago
in Online Courses
Low Probability of Delivery
Manager Experience should give the option to show Active vs Inactive courses on reports and in search
We inactivate courses that are no longer relevant to a learner's transcript. It would be nice to have the option to hide inactive courses from the search bar and the reports showing in the Manager Experience. This could be a filter built into the ...