I am currently lacking a feature that allows me to add explanations after every correct answer in a quiz. When I create a quiz, I want to be able to provide an explanation for each question, detailing why the selected answer is correct. This featu...
Current process: Design & create individual questions under Question Bank (QB)Good to have: An xlsx. Or csv. format template to add multiple questions in a single QB at once
When uploading a SCORM file, you can select a Content Type, which is a fixed dropdown field. It is populated by choices Absorb has hard-coded. We'd like this dropdown to be configurable, so we could add/change/delete our own choices in the dropdown.
Absorb Create course completion Exit pop up feature
Hello, I would like to see a feature for when a course is completed that pops up, stating you have completed this course. Currently we have to add instructions on the last page on how to exit the course.
We would like to be able to associate tags/metadata to lessons. This will help with the LMS search to return specific lessons (instead of only based on course tags). We also have some integrations running that pull courses & lessons and today ...
Nudge emails to users with any outstanding training - showing all the courses that are outstanding
We are leveraging the course based Nudge emails but just re-assigned 17 company polices to be trained upon and if we setup a nudge on each of those 17 courses, a user would get 17 emails and that seems a bit overkill/spammy. Seems there should be ...
It would be very beneficial if the surveys on Absorb would allow for additional question formats. For example, a table format (to avoid having to create a separate question for each row): 1. How well did this online course fulfil each learning obj...
Upload your own voice sample to be used in text-to-voice
Some companies have a single face and voice (or limited number of them) as part of the brand of the company. If we could upload a vocal sample that could be used on our own videos, that would allow a continuation of our own brand.
We need the ability to add our company logo into the course player
When the course player launches, it covers our company logo. Our marketing requirements state that the logo must be present in the player. Putting it in the course itself poses an issue with responsiveness. We would like to be able to have a featu...